
"YAGNI: byte-order conversion explained"

August 30, 2006

In my previous post I talked about this problem I ran into with byte- ordering and tests failing. Brian and Joe both felt that I left them hanging by going into all the technical details of what my problem was and not going into the technical details of why I shouldn’t have used htons to start with. Rather than editing the other post, here’s a new one.

The code that I was using htons in was my SOCKS5 implementation. For those who aren’t familiar with SOCKS5, it is a proxying protocol. The computer connects to the proxy and sends it a hostname and port for the actual connection. The proxy then makes the connection and relays packets for the remainder of the session.

Some of you may be guessing what I was calling htons on already: the port to be serialized. Here are the two offending lines of code:

[buffer append:(0xFF00 & htons(port)) >> 8];
[buffer append:(0x00FF & htons(port))];

That buffer was then, in turn, written out across the socket to the server (or inspected by unit tests). But, since I was extracting each byte individually the byte-order didn’t matter since 0xFF00 will be in the same byte order as port every time.

I hope this explains things a little better.

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