Currying Function Parameters
December 23, 2007
One of the first things I wanted to do to improve the readability of my language was to add the currying of function parameters. Since it is such a common pattern to have three or four abstractions right in a row to bind variables, there is a syntax for expressing them more consisely.
So this:
fn x. fn y. fn z. x y z
Becomes this:
fn x y z. x y z
Adding the code do this was nearly trivial, and all in the parser. First I wrote a function that given a list of variables and an expression for the body, would be able to construct the parse tree for a curried function:
let curry ids body =
List.fold_right (fun id expr -> Abstraction(id, expr)) ids body
Then I took the existing production for recognizing expressions:
aexprs {apply $1}
| FN VAR PERIOD expr {Abstraction ($2, $4)}
And turned it into this:
aexprs {apply $1}
| FN ids PERIOD expr {curry $2 $4}
VAR {[$1]}
| VAR ids {$1::$2}
That ids
production is using the OCaml ::
operator which performs the cons operation. So as I recurse on the right, I’m building up a list and consing each new id onto it all the way up.
And just like that I’ve added currying to my language.